Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Best of Istanbul (Part 1/3)

When my parents asked if we wanted to meet up in Istanbul, we jumped on the chance and opted for a full 6 nights in the city with 7 hills (just like SF). Who wouldn't, right? Plus I always love flying Turkish Air.

I was in Istanbul with a dear friend a few years ago, but we only had 3 days to explore the massive city. Though I saw most of the heavy-hitting sites back then, I was more than ok to see them all again. This time, I was determined to see the outer-lying neighborhoods and maybe even explore the Asian side.
07-IMG_2439 Istanbul is a magical city. Vibrant, exciting, and full of contradiction. Old and new. Asia and Europe. Islam and Christian. The Euro and the Lira. East and West. Poverty and wealth. It's difficult to describe, you just have to go. Before it all changes.

The first audible sign you're in a totally different place is of course the 4am call to prayer. Gets you every time. It woke us up the first two or three nights, but then it just falls into your dreams.

I have so many shots of the city and people, I don't want to bore you with words. Here's my top ten for part 1. Don't hold your breath, there are 3 parts to this blog...

1. the stunning produce at every little vegetable stand, including the one outside our doorstep
2. Galata Bridge fisherman-watching
3. fresh simit (sesame-bagel thing) from a street vendor
4. the Süleymaniye Mosque
5. shopping at the Grand Bazaar, say no more ... and allow 2 days
6. ice cold Sirma lemon drink, accompanied by kebab
7. Turkish coffee: sitting on a stool in the middle of a busy intersection of the Bazaar
8. a walk/tram up to Kabataş, along the Bosphorus
9. Turkish tea with a view of the Bosphorus + daily dose of baklava
10. Stroll down the Istikal, enjoy the madness

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